Internationale Dampfer-Welt(en) – Ausgabe 37/2017

INTRO In Zypern wurde beschlossen eine Steuer auf Liquids einzuführen. In Deutschland geht die Wettbewerbszentrale gegen kreative Verkaufsangebote nikotinhaltiger Basen vor. (Anm. d. Red.) BLOGS [US] Carl V. Phillips: “Sunday Science Lesson: Debunking the claim that only 16,000 smokers switched to vaping (England, 2014)” Sonntags Wissenschaftslektion: Entlarvt – die Behauptung nur 16000 Raucher in England […]

Short information about E-cigarettes for consumers

Professor Bernd-Michael Mayer’s “Short Information for Physicians” about e-cigarettes was widely circulated and well received. After two tv reports, many anxious consumers sent in questions which Mayer is now answering in this new document. Download it here: 2017_Prof_Dr_Mayer_E-cigs_Information_for_consumers Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer is toxicologist at the University of Graz. In this paper he answers many […]

Tax on Vaping Products: Result of the EU-Consultation: NO

From 17th November 2016 until 16th February 2017, the EU Commission carried out an EU-wide survey on the reorganization of the taxation of tobacco and related products. As vaping products are also listed and regulated within the TPD2, they have been included in the survey. IG-ED e.V. have reported several times (articles are in German): […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Electronic Cigarettes and Airway Infections – Update

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 08.02.2015 Recently it has been reported that mice exposed to nicotine containing vapor of electronic cigarettes exhibited reduced immune defense to bacterial infection . From the mouse data, the authors infer that consumption of electronic cigarettes may compromise the immune response of humans. […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Electronic cigarettes and nicotine poisoning

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.06.2014 In view of the established toxic effects of nicotine, the widespread availability of nicotine containing liquids used to refill electronic cigarettes may pose a certain health risk, and even fatal outcomes of nicotine poisoning have been predicted by some public health advocates. […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – How to switch from tobacco to electronic cigarettes?

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.06.2014 This post is based on personal experience and hearsay rather than scientific evidence. Many years of interaction with successful and less successful users of electronic cigarettes make me believe in certain prerequisites for an effective switch from tobacco smoking to the inhalation […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Nicotine and cardiovascular disease

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 16.06.2014 There are frequent warnings of adverse cardiovascular effects of nicotine, claiming nicotine may cause atherosclerosis leading to an enhanced risk of severe diseases, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. The harm caused by tobacco smoke is well established, but the contribution of […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Respiratory Societies on Electronic Cigarettes: Farewell to Science, Reason, and the Hippocratic Oath

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.10.2014 In this post, I will comment on the Position Statement of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) on electronic cigarettes, published in the distinguished American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . In my opinion, this statement is extremely biased […]