Calculateur du dosage de nicotine
Pour passer de la cigarette de tabac au vapotage Saisir simplement le nombre de cigarettes fumées par jour et le calculateur vous montrera une recommandation de dosage de nicotine selon votre mode de vapotage.
Pour passer de la cigarette de tabac au vapotage Saisir simplement le nombre de cigarettes fumées par jour et le calculateur vous montrera une recommandation de dosage de nicotine selon votre mode de vapotage.
Til de som vil bytte ut røyken med damp Skriv inn antall sigaretter per dag, så regnes det ut en anbefaling til nikotinstyrke etter hvilken dampeteknikk du bruker.
För att ersätta rökning med vejping Lägg in antalet cigaretter per dag så kommer nikotinberäknaren visa en rekommenderad nikotinstyrka. Styrkan beror på vejpingteknik.
For Switching from Smoking to Vaping Simply enter the number of cigarettes per day and the calculator will show a recommendation for the nicotine strength (concentration) depending on vaping technique.
Many smokers who want to switch to vaping or have done so already, ask their doctors for information about vaping and its effects to health. Unfortunately, many medics don’t have sufficient or even, correct information on this topic. Most of them just rely on the biased statements and intended fearmongering of the WHO Collaboration Center […]
Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.06.2014 In view of the established toxic effects of nicotine, the widespread availability of nicotine containing liquids used to refill electronic cigarettes may pose a certain health risk, and even fatal outcomes of nicotine poisoning have been predicted by some public health advocates. […]
Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.06.2014 This post is based on personal experience and hearsay rather than scientific evidence. Many years of interaction with successful and less successful users of electronic cigarettes make me believe in certain prerequisites for an effective switch from tobacco smoking to the inhalation […]
Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 16.06.2014 There are frequent warnings of adverse cardiovascular effects of nicotine, claiming nicotine may cause atherosclerosis leading to an enhanced risk of severe diseases, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. The harm caused by tobacco smoke is well established, but the contribution of […]
Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.10.2014 In this post, I will comment on the Position Statement of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) on electronic cigarettes, published in the distinguished American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . In my opinion, this statement is extremely biased […]
E-Cigarettes: Regulation in the Tobacco Product Directive would be a Disaster for Public HealthLadies and Gentlemen,we are confident that you know what the IG-ED is and stands for since May 7, 2013, when we attended the e-cigarette workshop in Brussels representing the consumers. We are compelled to contact you again in terms of the TPD2, […]