Nicotine Calculator

For Switching from Smoking to Vaping

Simply enter the number of cigarettes per day and the calculator will show a recommendation for the nicotine strength (concentration) depending on vaping technique.

Details, Variations

Sorry, no graph. Your browser doesn’t support the HTML5 canvas tag.
: mg
Strength: mg/ml
Consumption: ml
This graph shows the connections between the total daily nicotine amount and nicotine strength and liquid consumption. The total amount depends on the selected number of cigarettes and drawing mode. The green range marks typical values for strength and consumption. For this we analysed the collected data of over 2000 successful vapers. There is an especially strong statistical link between the number of cigarettes and total amount of nicotine per day. That’s the product of nicotine strength and liquid consumption.

At the right of the graph you can vary strength or consumption and see the effect on the other factor.


The calculated values are based on empirical data from many vapers. Thus they should be a good starting point for switching successfully. But no matter how good the data are, there always are individual differences. You should listen to how you feel. Adjust liquid consumption or nicotine strength accordingly.


Background information: Nikotinempfehlung (in German. English version soon.)
Scientific details in the Poster presented at Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) 2018


Dr. Rainer Dölfel
Dipl.-Ing. Marc Hallermann
Dipl.-Inform. Norbert “Zillatron” Schmidt
Peter Schuster
Sabine Maaß


IG-ED Interessengemeinschaft E-Dampfen e.V.

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