EU is planning breach of the constitution Or: how democracy degenerates ever more into a farce

Press releas from IG-ED to the new proposal of the Commission   A recently leaked EU commission document of unverified origin shows that the EU commission plans to curb the democratic right to free speech in a coup de main at the next trialogue meetings between 3rd and 16th December. What is it about? […]

E-Liquids sind keine Medikamente: Info über OVG-Urteile geht an alle Europaparlamentarier

Die IG-ED schickt den Text der Pressemitteilung des OVG Münster vom 17.09.2013 an alle Abgeordneten der Europäischen Parlaments. Dabei liegen uns diesmal vor allem die nicht-deutschsprachigen Politiker am Herzen, um auch ihnen die Aussage dieser für uns sehr erfreulichen Pressemitteilung nahezubringen – daher schreiben wir ausnahmsweise nur in englische Sprache.Three German Court Decisions: E-Cigarette is […]

Reminder: Ideology replaces Common Sense: Historical Chance for less Deads from Tobacco Smoke to be Undermined

Obviously Ms McAvan’s clever plan to schedule the European Parliament plenum’s vote concerning the TPD2 on September 10, 2013 is still in place. In July we sent a letter to all MEPs (see here) and today we sent the a reminder at the end of the summer brek and just before the voting.Ladies and Gentlemen, […]

Ideology replaces Common Sense: Historical Chance for less Deads from Tobacco Smoke to be Undermined

This letter was sent to all members of the European Parliament. Ladies and Gentlemen, the IG-ED e. V. is the first independent, non-profit consumers’ association of German-speaking vapers (as the users of the “e-cigarette” call themselves). We are working voluntarily, unpaid and independent from manufacturers and retailers to inform about the e-cigarette and rectify the […]

A last Plea before the ENVI-Voting

Ladies and Gentlemen, shortly before the votings on July 10 and 11, 2013 we contact you again to emphatically draw your attention once more to the concerns of the IG-ED in terms of the Commission proposal and the amendments which are known so far, representing many EU citizens. A regulation within the Tobbaco Product Directive, […]

Statement of the IG-ED for the public expert hearing of the Tobacco Directive on February 25, 2013

Dear Madams and Sirs,   we, the IG-ED, contact you with regard to the public expert hearing on February 25, 2013. We are the first independent, non-profit association of German-speaking longtime vapers, working voluntarily, non-paid and independent from manufacturers, retailers and discussion boards.   Let us start with an abstract of the statements arising from […]