Prof. Dr. Mayer – New Madness in Electronic Cigarette Policy: Dr. Pötschke-Langer (DKFZ) Requests Medicines Licensing of Fruit Flavors and Colored Devices

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 21.11.2014 Dr. Martina Pötschke-Langer (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ) promotes the interests of the WHO Tobacco Control in Europe. In support of WHO policy, she has pulled out all the stops in the past to get electronic cigarettes under the medicines licensing regime […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Nicotine and cardiovascular disease

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 16.06.2014 There are frequent warnings of adverse cardiovascular effects of nicotine, claiming nicotine may cause atherosclerosis leading to an enhanced risk of severe diseases, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. The harm caused by tobacco smoke is well established, but the contribution of […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Respiratory Societies on Electronic Cigarettes: Farewell to Science, Reason, and the Hippocratic Oath

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 02.10.2014 In this post, I will comment on the Position Statement of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) on electronic cigarettes, published in the distinguished American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . In my opinion, this statement is extremely biased […]

Prof. Dr. Mayer – Safety of electronic cigarettes and the Loch Ness Monster

Archived version of Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer’s blog post. Originally published on 04.06.2014 This is the famous “Surgeon’s Photograph,” showing a monster that allegedly lives in the lake Loch Ness in Scotland and is often cheerfully called by its nickname, Nessie. Despite this picture and several pretended sightings, there is no genuine evidence for the […]

BfR vs Professor Bernd Mayer

Die IG-ED hatte bereits die Stellungnahme des BfR „Nikotinfreie E-Shishas bergen gesundheitliche Risiken“ vom 23.04.2015 sowie den Kommentar von Professor Bernd Mayer veröffentlicht. Am 6. Mai 2015 hat das BfR reagiert und in einem öffentlichen Brief sowie einem Brief an die Rektorin der Universität Graz eine Stellungnahme zu dem angeblichen Fehlverhalten von Herrn Professor Mayer gefordert. Beide […]