The E-Cigarette must not be Part of the Tobacco Products Directive!

The IG-ED feels constrained to send another open letter to the Members of the European Parliament. Primarily we demand the e-cigarette's complete removal from the Tobacco Products Directive after the result of the Trialogue which does not show any sign of common sense.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

as you know, the IG-ED e. V. is the first consumers' association of German speaking vapers. We do not represent any commercial interests – our activities are solely based on membership fees, donations and many personal contributions of our members.

Once again we contact you concerning the result of the TPD2-trialogue and call on you - the European Parliament - not to regulate nicotine containing products (e-cigarettes) within the Tobacco Products Directive.


As we understand the legislative process this means that you would have to vote "NO" in the forthcoming vote.

As you can recognise by viewing the preamble, the Tobacco Products Directive is aligned with the WHO-FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control). However the FCTC is not compulsory for nicotine containing products. The high standard of health protection which is applied in tobacco control cannot be applied to nicotine containing products. Evidence for health risks is non-existent and must not simply be taken over from tobacco (TFEU, Article 114/3).

For the handling of nicotine containing products there are already the Directive 1999/45 EC and Regulation 1272/2008 as an applicable legal framework to provide safety. The presentation of the hazards of nicotine containing products should be expressed much more objectively so that the official misinformation that happened already can be rebalanced.

We demand a regulation that suits the product to provide safety and quality and we once again declare our willingness to actively support such a regulation.

This document will be made publicly available.

Yours sincerely

Interessengemeinschaft E-Dampfen

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